Practice valuation is something you hear about but don’t always think about until you need one. When you are buying or selling your practice, and when an associate or other staff member is invited to be an owner, you need a business appraisal to come up with a price that is fair to all parties.
The VetPartners Valuation Council has existed since the beginning of VetPartners. Our mission is to educate VetPartners members and the profession overall by debunking valuation myths, discussing methods of determining accurate and defensible practice valuations, and structuring transactions that are fair for both the buyer and seller. When both parties are knowledgeable about valuation, the resulting outcome of their negotiations will be a far better reflection of the actual economics of the transaction.
The Council has developed a number resources which are available to everyone through this website. The goal of these resources is to provide useful and practical information to those seeking valuation information.